The minister visited the site in Newhaven and said the new university technical college would help tackle a current shortage of technical skills – and a shortage of women taking engineering degrees.
The college is for 14 to 18-year-olds interested in science, technology, engineering, maths and computing. With the minister was Professor Andrew Lloyd, Dean of the university’s College of Life, Health and Physical Sciences. He said: “We are very conscious of the shortage of women taking engineering degrees and we and our partner sponsors, the Aldridge Foundation, Lewes District Council and Veolia, are actively looking for ways to address this issue.
“In partnership with local employers and other stakeholders, the UTC will provide a progressive, work-related education in a stimulating learning environment for all our future pupils.”
Professor Lloyd urged young teenagers, male and female, to attend an open day to learn more about the school which is opening this September.

Left to right – Professor Andrew Lloyd, Norman Baker MP, Honor Wilson-Fletcher, (Chief Executive of the Aldridge Foundation), Vince Cable MP, and Councillor Judith Ost (Newhaven Town Mayor).