Bouncing Back - South East coastal communities programme
Resilience to re-offending
Young men's tales of overcoming adversity
The imagine project
A five-year project which brings together different research projects working together across universities and their local communities
Resilience community of practice – targeted youth service
Community university partnerships through communities of practice
Building resilience through community arts practice
A scoping study with disabled young people and young people facing mental health challenges
Building resilience in practice through the supervisory relationship
An exploration of opportunities to develop practitioner resilience in the preparation of practice-based educators
Building community university partnership resilience
Advancing authentic, strategic community university partnerships
Long-term outcomes of preterm birth: risk and resilience
Examining its impact on psycho-social and cognitive outcomes at different stages of development
Resilience among young people in a community affected by drought
A GCRF-funded project to develop collective approaches to environmental challenges and opportunities and co-produce a strategy to help resilience